These are challenging days as we attempt to grasp the impact and foresee the outcome of the Coronavirus. The vast majority of us are at home, alone or with family, frustrated and restless. We talk, work and fret over the potential length of our uncertainty. Some of us face concerns of furlough length or unemployment benefit limitations. We find ourselves angry at the fact we are unable to shop at our favorite retailer, dine at a restaurant or even hike a trail as these options are simply, for now, off-the-table. Our proud, strong, independent, freedom of choice lifestyle has been disrupted.
As the world pauses long enough to grasp the severity of this virus while determining the fastest path to a safe healthy humanity, sacrifices are being made. Billion dollar industries continue to push forward losing millions a day to a point they risk collapse. Service industry workers who relied on “tips” to provide food for their children don’t have enough. These extremes surround the majority of us who are ok, for now, short term.
Amongst the screaming and complaining of disrupted and inconvenienced lives, Health Care workers are risking everything, every day, without complaint to get us to a point were healthy and moving forward. Amazing humans who are facing danger on the front lines of an invisible war. Daily they dive into the highest risk environment of the COVID-19 pandemic to ease the suffering of the immune suppressed and carry the rest of us to a day that includes an answer, a remedy, a vaccine. Health Care workers ease our fears by shielding us from darkness and despair while providing hope that somehow we will get thru this. They remind us that together we will find answers and we will get back the freedom to do the activities we love.
I want to say THANK YOU to all Health Care workers for your selfless commitment and sacrifice to care and protect the rest of us. Without you, there is no hope.
I found a wonderful video Thank You to our health care hero’s. Interestingly I stumbled upon this video on social media and turns out it was created by a classmate of mine from High School. Great work Jon Kane.
BRINGING COMFORT from Jon Kane on Vimeo.
Special Thank You to family members and friends working in the health care industry: Alexis, Kristi, Anna, Dominic, Greg, Amanda and my alpine ski buddy Mike.